
General Information

Another option to hosting a workshop for getting a cob building built on your land is to hire CCG  to build your dream cob project.  A 200 round foot building takes about  6 weeks depending on the climate.  The cost varies depending on location, workers’ salaries and materials cost.  Please contact CruzinCobGlobal to discuss.  You can also hire us to come and give you personal training for a few days to get you started as we check in once a week to make sure you are on the right path.  There is also distant consulting available at 50€-75€/hour using all possible internet modes of communication.  It is good for the homeowner(s) to attend a cob building course first so as to be more familiar with the cob techniques.  Thus they can help build and also supervise part-time reducing the cost of their project, and ultimately build their next project on their own.  The best way to learn is by doing it!

Time & Cost

If you choose to hire us to Build your project (as opposed to having it built or partially built with workshop students), a 108ft2/10m2 cob structure takes one month to build from foundation to roof, including plaster and earthen floor with contractor and 4 workers. Our current estimate for the US is from $18-$23,000 which includes materials ($2000-$4,000) and labor (6-8 hrs per day depending on weather, ie how fast cob dries). If you and others are available to assist with tasks (making cob, cutting wood for frames, putting nails into frames and shelves and roof connectors, plastering, etc) as volunteers it can go faster and cost less!

If you hire us for your Build Project, it will be built by experienced professionals which you do not need to host or feed (unless you want to:)) and is thus low maintenance on your part. CCG will take care of all the material ordering and delivery as a standard contractor, and assure the whole construction from the foundation to roof, earthen plaster (or lime), earthen floors (or lime), while the owner can add their personal touch with sculpting and the final finish paint or plaster coat with color. Your whole structure will be completed and ready to go when we are done. Workers can be locally hired experienced laborers/builders who will be trained on the job, or students who have taken a workshop with CCG. The construction foreperson will be an experienced professional cob builder approved by CCG.


In-person, phone, email or internet consultations are $50/50€ to $75/75€ an hour, sliding scale.  I can be there to support your project, and it is best if you have already taken a workshop or have a CCG trainee or experienced builder on site.  For a one month project (108 square feet) you can expect to need 2 hours to prepare for the project and one to two hours a week of consultation time.

I speak French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and some German.


