It was hard to leave Senegal. SO much LOVE! From everyone. And in my last weeks there I built two more ovens with my Senegalese students and connected with 5 more landowners, Senegalese and expat, that all want COB buildings on their land. Sick of concrete blocks, concrete and cement damaging the be
autiful landscape. Half-finished buildings everywhere, waiting for money, motivation, materials. With COB, the materials are practically free, only requiring collection and transportation. For our 2 ovens, we got the material cost down to $25, for the digging up and transportation of the clay soil and transport of sand (by horse and cart), collection or purchase of straw and purchase of oven bricks. People loved them and we were swamped with interest and demand for more ovens. I did not come to Senegal to start a cob business but rather train the locals with the skills to do so. Now the motivation needs to come from them. Teach someone to fish, don’t just give them t
he fish.
Now, I am scheduled out from mid-November through February with build projects and two long workshops in Senegal, not to mention Fuerteventura, Tangier, Tarifa and Marrakech before that. Everywhere I go people want COB. There is strong interest on the planet I know. I am currently in Cabo Verde on the island of Sao Vicente. Though I have been recuperating here and working on my website and promoting the upcoming workshops, as I start to make a little noise, once again the people come, the interest surges, people want me to stay and help them start their ecovillages, permaculture properties, ovens, etc. I thrive on supporting and motivating all the individual positive cells of light and well-being all over the planet that want the right thing, the good thing, the peaceful thing. They want to live in Harmony with Mother Nature, breathe freely in their Soulful hand-built homes, e
at food they have planted, nurtured and seen growing, live with animals collaboratively and compassionately, make their own clothing, look at the stars at night and smile at their gratitude for having a piece of land to play with, to take care of, to beautify, and to learn from. This is Human Nature at its most core Truth. I am doing my Right Work and there is no other Way. May we all know what our Right Work is and walk our talk fearlessly and with no procrastination. The time is NOW. Be YOU! The World needs authentic individuals deeply connected to themselves, each other, Nature, the animals and the Spirit World. Let’s GO!!!